Tag Archives: cris tovani

A Peek Inside: English 10B

24 Mar

The new trimester begins this week.  Can you believe the school year is already 2/3 of the way over?  Every year is faster than the last.  I said good bye to my seniors (I plan on sharing some of their reflections later this week) and am gearing up for new classes.  This trimester I am teaching one section of ELA Lab and the rest of my schedule is English 10B.

English 10B is one of my favorite classes to teach!  I absolutely love the 10th grade curriculum and in particular, I really love this class.  Here is a little tour of what we will be doing the next three months.

Along with daily SSR and grammar lessons, we have three major units throughout the trimester:

  • Narriative Writing
  • Of Mice and Men novel study
  • Choice Books

Narrative Writing

Of all the units of writing I teach, this is by far my favorite.  One thing I do appreciate about the CCSS is the fact that narrative writing is part of the conversation.  Students really find their voices when able to tell their stories.  I also see their confidence grow as writers.  Plus, I learn so much about them.

We begin by looking at some mentor texts in narrative writing.  I have chosen memoirs from a variety of different authors.  We look at what we like about the writing and discuss what the characteristics of memoir are.  Then we start to brainstorm possible topics for our own memoirs.  I have typically done lists in the past; this year I am turning to Penny Kittle’s work in Write Beside Them for a number of different activities to get the juices flowing.

Then, we write.  Last year, I set up my class loosely following a workshop model. I model my writing and drafting then give students ample time write in class.  It is difficult at times to get them to start writing.  Students want everything to be perfect the first time and don’t always understand the messy process that is writing.  My hope is that workshop will help them discover that.

We focus three mini-lessons on specific narrative skills: revising leads, exploding a moment (or two), and adding dialogue.  Students work on revising memoirs to include these techniques and I confer with them as to how they might.  We spend a good portion of time discussing revision and working on polished drafts to conclude the unit.

I hope to incorporate opportunities for students to share their writing.  I haven’t done much of that before.  I think it will help build community in my classroom and make students feel more confident about their own writing.

Of Mice and Men Novel Study

This is probably my favorite book to teach!  We start with some work with informational texts on symbiosis.  Yes, this English teacher brings in some science.  We do some close reading strategies to understand symbiosis and relationships.  We also watch a short video to help students understand the concept.  Finally, we read a story how maggots and leeches (yuck!) can actually be helpful to humans in order to understand how complex relationships can be.

Then we get into the novel.  Using Cris Tovani’s book So What Do They Really Know?: Assessment That Informs Teaching and Learning I started setting up some reading workshop.  We have a reading focus for each chapter.  For example, in chapter 1 we focus on building the characters of George and Lennie.  We read some chapters together, but I’m working towards more independent reading as well.  I also use Tovani’s Inner Conversation Logs for students to become aware of their thinking.  I will confer with students as they read independently.  Students in general really get into this novel and I love the conversations we have during the reading of the novel.

In the past, the assessment for this unit has been a persuasive essay dealing with the issue if George was justified in killing Lennie.  I want to try something new this year.  As I have written about before, we have had a lot of conversations about persuasive vs. argumentative writing and this was a topic at MRA as well.  Working with different levels now this year has shown me that students need more experience using sources in their writing.  Over the last few years, I have come across a large number of articles that deal with the morality in holding people of lower mental capacity responsible for their crimes.  I want to bring in these sources as well as the novel for students to explore the bigger topic that surrounds our discussions.  My colleague who is also teaching 10B seems on board with this.  I will update later what we do with this idea.

Choice Books Unit

Students have a choice of three books to read independently and discuss in groups:

The mini-lessons focus on what makes an effective discussion.  We still look at our thinking while reading using a variety of methods to record thinking.  My main goal, however, is to “beef up” the conversations students are having.  One of my favorite lessons is talking about fat questions vs. skinny questions using the picture book Rainbow Fish.  We also work on follow up questions and how to build up the discussions they are having.

A special treat the last couple of years has been the opportunity to Skype with Gae Polisner.  She tells us a lot about writing and takes questions from students that read the book.  I am playing with the idea of doing a read aloud again this year.  I might use her new book The Summer of Letting Go so more students can take part in questions about her writing.  I just have to hang onto one of my two copies as seniors who read The Pull of Gravity as sophomores really want to read the new book.

I am looking forward to teaching this class again.  I am very lucky that I enjoy teaching so many of the classes that are on my schedule.  I can’t wait to see where this trimester leads my students and me.

MRA 2014 Wrap Up!

18 Mar

This past weekend was one of my favorite weekends of the school year.  Along with two of my colleagues, I traveled to Grand Rapids, Michigan to attend the Michigan Reading Association’s Annual Conference.  This is the third year in a row I have attended MRA.  Just as in years past, this was an amazing weekend full of fun, friends, and learning.

Saturday started nice at early at 8am with a session with Penny Kittle.  I was so excited to hear her speak for the first time.  As I have written before, I have been influenced by Penny’s work in both reading and writing.  On Saturday, she focused on writing.  Here are some of the biggest points I want to take with me:

  • Talk drives writing
  • We need to model the mess of writing
  • Coteachers can BOTH write and revise on the board to model
  • We can teach revision as daily practice
  • MODEL!!
  • Make students not afraid to revise

It was an honor to meet Penny in person.


The keynote speak for Saturday was RJ Palacio, the author of Wonder.  So if you have not read this amazing book, please make sure you get on that as quickly as possible!  To hear how she came to write the book and how the book has touched so many different people, of all ages and backgrounds, was very inspiring.  It started some thoughts in my own mind…but we will save that for a different day.  😉

My colleagues and I attended the Rockstar Luncheon where we had the opportunity to sit and talk with “Rockstars” in literacy.  There was room at Jeff Anderson’s table so I took a seat with him.  I really like Jeff!  He actually worked with teachers in my district a couple years ago.  We had some great conversations about writing, reading, and our favorite television shows.  He is incredibly fun to talk to and I really appreciated the time he spent with us.

Jeff Anderson

The 1:30 session was presented by Troy Hicks and Jeremy Hyler.  They were sharing ways students could create digital argument using technology.  These were examples from their book Create, Compose, Connect.  One of the most beneficial aspects of this one was that I really am getting a better idea of persuasive vs. argumentative.  This handy graphic may help:



Jeremy also gave a great analogy: think of persuasive as a salesman and argument as a lawyer.  This one clicked with me very well.  I also know to make sure to use the words Claim, Evidence, and Reason in my teaching and how these can be very beneficial throughout the content areas.  Simple and specific lists are also techniques to help writers focus on reasons and evidence.  Mindmeister is an amazing online tool for mindmapping I hope to use, especially now that it is an Add-on in Google Drive.  Check it out of you have not yet.  Jeremy and Troy’s book talks about many types of writing.  I definitely want to get my hands on this one!

The last session for Saturday was a Welcome Home panel put together by Colby Sharp to bring together Michigan born authors Katherine Applegate, Lisa McMann, and Linda Urban.  Plus, Colby had two of his students from last year who are lovers of these authors and readers.  Not only was I inspired to continue to promote reading in my classroom especially through book talks, but I was inspired to write again.  Linda Urban spoke so freely about her own struggles to allow herself to make mistakes and talking to her afterward gave me a kick in the pants to keep going.  I even already have a notebook all set to use.



I just love hearing authors speak of their influences and getting to know them as people.  I was able to tell Lisa how much my students loves her Wake trilogy.  And then I told the student on Monday about meeting Lisa.  I love making these connections.  It was an amazing panel!

Sunday started nice and early again with Donalyn Miller’s session about, what else?, BOOKS!  My Goodreads account has blown up with books I want to read.  She really promoted some nonfiction titles I would love to add to my library as well as some middle grade and young adult titles that I can see students liking.  I was reminded of the quote that seems to describe my life: “I was born with a to-read pile I will never finish.”

Cris Tovani was the keynote speaker for Sunday.  I had the amazing opportunity to introduce myself on Saturday night and tell her how she has influenced my work.  She is an amazingly kind person and very easy to talk to.  I appreciated in her talk how she discussed some struggles she has with balancing reading and CCSS and well, pretty much everything we deal with on a daily basis.  We are not alone!  She reminded us that tinkering is a part of teaching.  Our resources may shift in order to best prepare our students.  She also posed the question how do we reread something differently?  I think this is one think I can really focus on in my reading instruction.  These two notes struck the biggest cord with me:

  1. If students can read my content better, I can cover more content.
  2. If students know what to do when they encounter difficulty, they can read away from class.

After a #nerdybookclub luncheon, I presented for the first time ever along with my colleague Leanne.  We shared the reasons behind Project Literacy this summer and what we did at the camp, as well as what we are doing with students now in school.  I was nervous and we had a few tech issues, but overall it went really well.  People came, which is always a plus, and had questions.  I also connected with another teacher afterward who was so excited about what we shared as he is planning a summer literacy camp as well.  Basically, I am very proud of what we did and I have been bitten my the preso bug!  I hope to have many other opportunities in the future to share and work with other teachers.


Me and Leanne with our former consultant, Dr. Jeff Beal.


As always, MRA was an AMAZING experience!  Along with all this learning, I had a great time with friends, both old and new.  I love the connections we make and the fun that we have together.  I plan on being there next year for the 2015 conference.  I hope to see you there, too!