Confession Time

18 May

Well, I have a confession to make.

I haven’t been reading.

Well, that’s not 100% true.  I have been reading; I just cannot seem to finish a book.

According to my Goodreads, the last book I finished was on April 16th – OVER A MONTH AGO!

Now, also according to my Goodreads, I am also Currently Reading 6 books. (And if I updated the new audio I am listening to, it would technically be 7.)

So you see the issue I am having,  I cannot seem to commit to any one book all the way through right now.  It has clearly been a struggle.

There are some reasons why:

  • I am crazy busy! I never seem to remember how much the end of the school year can suck away at me
  • Prom was a little over a week ago.  This was my fourth year as sponsor. It pretty much consumed my life from after Spring Break to the actual date.
  • A lot of personal things have been going on this year that have been tough at times.
  • I am having audio book issues. I love eAudio Books but for some reason, my library cooperative only allows you one week per book.  I was so into I Was Here by Gayle Forman, listening to it to and from work, walking Taylor, and even while grocery shopping.  I could not renew because someone had it on hold.  So now I have it on hold again.
  • There are so many books I want to read, I just can’t decide.

I have written about reading slumps before. This one is different.  I am reading and want to read; I just have way too much going on right now, with books I am reading and otherwise.

So here’s my plan.  Of all the books I am “Currently Reading,” Popular: Vintage Wisdom for a Modern Geek by Maya Van Wagenen is probably my favorite. It’s a light read and pretty funny, too.  Then I will probably continue with The Hunted by Matt de la Pena, which I am also enjoying.  Soon, it will be summer and I will have more time.  Plus, I’m focusing on my and relaxation this summer and reading definitely helps with that.

So that is why I have been quiet here.  I hope to pop in more and meet my three post goal here on out. Hope all the teachers out there are hanging in there during these last few weeks.  We are almost there!

Thanks for letting me get this off my chest.  I  actually feel better now!

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